When I started developing my personal style around 2015 I wanted to have a portfolio to show my potential clients what my skills were as an illustrator, so I created some personal projects to share with them.
One of the things I like the most about design and illustration is the combination of both of them in packaging, and one of my favourite companies around that time was the Australian brand called Mozi. They make amazing packaging and goodies with some gorgeous illustrations on them.
Inspired by them I decided to create a couple of designs for body bars based on two possible scent combinations. I wanted to transmit these fragrances with the color palettes, elements and, of course, my sassy naked girls, a classical in my work and one of the emblem points about my art. It was also important to have a cohesion between both designs in order to prove they were from the same collection.
That’s how this personal project arose. Nowadays it’s still one of my favorite projects because I think it clearly shows everything my brand is about.