This work was inspired by people I don’t know but see almost everyday. There are people in my life that I have no personal connection whatsoever but I see them on daily basis, around town or shopping at the same store.
Sometimes I see them thru my window walking their dog or just passing by. They are not from my circles of friends or family, they are not even my neighbours, but I feel like I know them and they know me. It feels like we almost have a relationship, yet when our eyes meet we never say hi or even smile to each other, but we definitely know about each others existence.
To invite those people to my personal life sounds like a dangerous idea, but at the same time seeing them makes me feel safe and home. It’s a weird one I know. When I started drawing this I had no actual concept rather than a feeling in my mind. I improvise a lot. I’m not sure if I captured it right, but it became what it became.
I love when people interpret my art and create their own stories around it.