Kjersti Johanne Barli

Illustrator & Artist based in Oslo

Kjersti Johanne Barli is an illustrator and artist, based in Oslo. She works with both analogue and digital techniques and actively uses writing as a tool in her work process. She has also done several ceramics projects. Some of Kjersti Johanne’s ceramic work is featured in the book Ceramics (2016) by Kate Singleton. Her master’s project from the Oslo National Academy of the Arts was exhibited in Prague, where it was nominated for the Diploma Section Award at Designblok (Prague International Design Festival). Kjersti Johanne were also one out of thirty nominees for the Young Illustrators Award in Berlin 2015. Since then, she has done work for clients big and small, and she now has three posters for a design project included in the permanent collection at Norway’s National Museum.

Born and raised in a small village in the midst of Norway Kjersti Johanne is still closely bound to the countryside, despite the fact that she has been living in Oslo over the past 15 years. She loves nature and animals (and of course she has a cat). Alongside commissions, Kjersti Johanne works on personal projects. She believes experimenting is crucial and tries to challenge herself both in storytelling and technique. Her ambition is to make a positive impact on the world through storytelling.


Kjersti Johanne Barli

Illustrator & Artist

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