Veronica Timokhina

Illustrator from Cincinnati, Ohio

I am Veronica Timokhina, an illustrator from Cincinnati, Ohio. I am a self-taught artist, dyslexic, and a lover of tea, rap music, and jazz. I have a dog named Archie, a husband, Tim, who supports me in all my endeavors, and a passion for traveling. I have tried working in different formats and techniques, trying various materials before settling on the digital format. It allows for a great deal of experimentation and freedom of movement as you can take Just a tablet with you and can work in different parts of the world.

In my work, I am captivated by the simplicity of lines, purity, and strength of color, as well as the story that I want to tell or convey through my drawing. Women, botanical flora, animals, and fashion are the main themes in my works. I also draw great inspiration from Japanese culture and enjoy creating my small illustrations so that they become a part of your life decorating your favorite place.

Veronica Timokhina


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