Charlotte Nurse

Surface Pattern Designer & Illustrator from East Sussex in the UK.

Hello! I’m Charlotte Nurse, a Surface Pattern Designer and Illustrator from East Sussex in the UK.

I have a bright, fun and colourful style, and I often use textures to create designs which retain that hand-drawn feel, bringing depth to the patterns and illustrations I create. I use my surroundings as inspiration, drawing things from nature or simply items from around the house.

I began my design career by completing a Digital Art & Technology degree. Before turning to surface pattern design and illustration I worked for over a decade as a digital Product Designer. It was while doing this that I got the chance to work with some amazing companies including the BBC & Amazon. With these companies, I honed my illustration skills before deciding to venture out on my own.

My artwork is available for licensing and I am available for collaborations and commissions. Feel free to reach out for your next project!

Charlotte Nurse

Surface Pattern Designer & Illustrator

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